Sunday, October 9, 2011

Live Twitter Updates During Sporting Events

Twitter has become very popular for different athletic teams to help update their fans about how the current game is going. Less televised schools and sports can utilize more then more popular sports, and bigger schools. Many times university sports such as volleyball, soccer, hockey, tennis,track and field etc aren't televised and with the power of twitter and its ability to have live updates helps keeps fans in the loop. @Flotrack uses this to update its followers about track meets that their staff are at all over the world. Also @UNIathletics uses this to keep fans informed throughout various sporting events.

Along with live updates, you can also advertise an upcoming event with twitter. Hash-tags (#) and shout outs (@) are a great way to reach out to different groups and audiences.

Athletic programs can also interact with their fans if they hire a Digital Advertising person to manage Twitter and other social media networking tasks. This could be very beneficial to an organization because followers really like to interact with their favorite teams. Twitter can be a benefit but also takes a lot of work to keep it updated and effective.

Follow me @unitrack08

1 comment:

  1. I always tweet during games! And, what's even better, is when you aren't able to watch a game, all you have to do is check into twitter and you will know everything going on!
